the kingdom the middle of the reign of william an honest and just ruler, devoted to God and his subjects things are well and proserous in the kingdom but there are rumors of a famine descending from the north, bringing illness and sandstorms he orders the storing and preservation of food supplies military leader is loyal as well advises building up military to prepare for the famine king takes it into consideration but is cautious for civil stability the loss his son falls ill queen is despairing will not leave her son's side to care for him to the negligence of her duties and against advisement of doctors her proximity renders her ill as well The heirless prince is dead queen is dead/dying the royal house is in disarray who will be king what becomes of the royal line next in command is the military leader the king is exhausted and stressed by the loss and the famine The betrayal the general confronts the king about his line for the king tells the king that he's not fit for the crown because of the stress and exhaustion the king cares for the general but is reluctant about passing power to him why it's not the time general feels betrayed feels he has been put to shame I have done everything for you I have always been loyal to you why I just can't do it general feels total loss and despair The whirlwind the drought has been ongoing for weeks now farmers losing crops and livestock to lack of water rivers are becoming muddy wells are drying up the storm approaches from the north massive dust storm northern farmers left desolate crops ruined the storm envelopes everything with no sign of abating lightning strikes create fires in wild places where drought has struck those who were sick are dying and those who weren't sick are starving and themselves falling ill the king has failed us he failed the people they're at the gates begging for food reserves are running low The rebellion the king still greives for his family the army needs food the general, betrayed and filled with hatred what are you going to do you greive while people starve what do we have left three stores of grain meat almost gone medicine running low only a couple wells aren't dry and they're getting lower by the day The Swarm The Battle The Defeat The Locust The Pitch The Remains PART TWO The Wilderness The Addition The Adopted The Pledge The Spring The Honor The Army The Contest The Acheivement The Garden The Anchor The Return